People are so fucking stupid!

So, apparently, I supposedly stole a game controller in retaliation of my glasses coming up missing. But how the FUCK could I have been mad enough to take something that came up missing AFTER my stuff? Cmon now! And then myes cousin so fucking stupid, she let this remedial ass lil boy brainwash her into believing I told him to deceive her, and, that I told him to trade phones with somebody that ain’ t EVEN got a compatible phone! Then to top it off, I’m mad @ him, so I got his controller. This shit would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad. She blind herself to the lies they tell and the games they play, spoil them rotten, then wonder why it comes back to bite her in the ass. Why her oldest child is a fucking sociopath, and her second oldest headed down the same road. But nooooooo, you can’t tell her a muthafuckin thang about these smart mouth ass, attidunal ass, wastes of spaces she call children. I ain’t NEVA had to put up with HALF the shit I put up with here, anywhere else. Satan off in this piece baaaaaadd, and as far I’m concerned her whole damn family demon possessed. They needs to seek Jesus immegiately!



People? Why is it that children don’t understand that parents only want the best for them? That they don’t want to see them hurt, or for them to make the same mistakes they made? Especially ones that can’t be taken back. It isn’t until these selfsame children become parents themselves that they even ATTEMPT to fathom the hell they put their own parents through, why they did it, how to make up for it, and how to prevent it from happening to them. As an individual stuck between woman and childhood, I find it frustrating when I see children that are supposedly “mature for their age” lack this simple understanding. As of right now, my young cousin had hates my guts right now, because I accidentaly blabbed about a phone he wasn’t supposed to have. Now how was I to know his mama didn’t know about it? He didn’t forewarn me. but best believe, hes 38 hot with me right now. Kids :/. And what REALLY butters my toast about the whole situation is that he’s supposed to be so called “mature”, yet he fails to understand karma and love, two of the most basic things about life. But I digress. Hes only 14, and right now, the world revolves around him. He’ll open his eyes soon enough.


Good mornting!


Ya’ll see whato I gotta deal with? Early in the AM too. She wasn’t really upset or nothing tho. She just dramatic. Which is why she’ll been in somebody’s acting class and somebody’s commercial/ tv show/film quite soon. But Anstywayz, good mornting fellow bloggers! I’ll be up and at’em getting me and missypoo’s day started about 10. For right now, its sprout tv (always sprout) for her, and my trusty android for me. Toodles!



“I cannot wait til shes older” Is what I find myself saying more often than not these days concerning my toddler. Shes in. the infamous “terrible twos” stage, and its driving me fruity! I ain’t gone lie. Somethings were cute at first. But now? Its just downright ANNOYING! :/ Like the clingyness, and the assertion of the independence. I tell her like, 50% of the time i’ma throw her out of a window. Her God dad said one day in response, “you betta go right out there with her too” : D. He meant it to. I’ll never admit this to ANYONE-cept God and myself- but thats her surrogate father, all day. Do more for her than her sperm donor all day. Loves her more too. Which is why I could give two cents of a rats ass if he EVER comes around. Cuz she ain’t never hurting for male attention, or a father figures. Believe that! She has uncles, a grandfather, cousins, and a godfather that’ll jump to her beck and call. All day. But back to missypoo. That thang don been here before! She makes that very apparent. She also makes it apparent that shes my dearly departed mother reincarnated. Don’t know how anyone else would take that, but I’m a firm believer in it. Ha! I gave birth to and am raising my mama! Anyone else see the irony? But that would explain her fearlessness, sweet nature, honesty, and uncanny knowledge of the world. I blame her leoness for the rest. But all things considered, I think I’m gonna enjoy raising my total opposite baby, and as much as I wish she was a newborn, I know I’m more grateful shes not.